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Sunday, October 13, 2013

Advice to Monks

Mother said, “You are attached to the world, and this āsakti must be put an end to by virāga. This is the second stage. But you must not stop here, you must not be attached to virāga either, it is but a means to an end. You must go higher up and beyond both these and observe indifference. The object in view is to make the mind waveless so that on the calm mind you may find the image of Ātmā reflected.”

Mother used to say, “Vichāra and vairāgya must go hand-in-hand, the object in view being to make the mind calm. Sometimes sadhus make the show of vairāgya the be-all and end-all of their lives; they do not pause and reflect where all this is leading them. A sadhu, though he may be looked upon as full of virāga, may be attached to some new object of attachment such as clotted hair or flowing beard or even the orange robe. If these make him proud and he becomes fully occupied with the thoughts of these things, he is no nearer the goal in spite of his so-called renunciation.”

Brahmajna Ma

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