When you deal with others and mix with other people, show that you possess self-control, and what you are practising try to live. Do not lose your temper, because if you want to help other people, you must first set an example. An example is better than precepts. So, remembering that, each student and each member of the Vedanta Society will help others by living a right example and by showing in the household and to others that he possesses self-control, as also in his business. If you show that, then you would be a worthy member of the Society as well as a worthy student. …
Give resignation to the Divine Will, and in unselfishness, to help others and to work for humanity. Now … this Society is based upon entirely unselfish principles. We have started, I think, for the first time an organization where there is no paid servant to do the work. Everything is done voluntarily through love, and not for money. … We are working with that one principle, to help others without seeking any return, and by helping the work, this work which we are doing not for ourselves without seeking any return, and you would practise that which we teach, and you will show wonderful power, and gain the most wonderful result. That is the purification of the heart. …
We have given our lives to the work, and those who are ready to follow the path are welcome, and as Christ gave His life to help humanity, so all the members of the Vedanta Society are living the Christ-life and following that noble example in his or her own individual way.
Swami Abhedananda
Question and Answer class, May 23, 1905, New York
from The Complete Works of Swami Abhedananda, 10.296–7
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